TIMEWARP IT CONSULTING GMBH is a Qualified Multitenant Hoster (QMTH) (Link is PDF Download) authorized by Microsoft to host your Windows virtual machines via Microsoft Cloud Agreement subscription or Enterprise Agreement/MPSA on dedicated or multitenant hardware.
In addition, we are also authorized to host Office 365 ProPlus (including E3 and E5), Project Online Professional, and Visio Pro for Office 365 subscriptions using shared computer activation (SCA) technology. Click here to learn more about the QMTH Program from Microsoft.
Benefits of Windows 10 Virtualization and Shared Computer Activation for Office 365 ProPlus, Project Online Professional, and Visio Pro for Office 365
Windows 10 virtualization and SCA for Office 365 ProPlus, Project Online Professional, and Visio Pro for Office 365 gives you choice and flexibility. Both allow you to take advantage of existing Windows 10 and Office 365 licensing investments when deploying to the cloud.
You are able to make a deployment choice between on-premises or TIMEWARP IT CONSULTING GMBH´s shared datacenter. TIMEWARP IT CONSULTING GMBH is an athorized QMTH Partner, allowing you to deploy Office 365 ProPlus, Project Online Professional, Visio Pro for Office 365, and qualified Windows 10 products to your chosen cloud infrastructure solution.
As of August 1, 2017, the following Windows licenses purchased through Microsoft Volume Licensing currently include virtualization rights for Qualified Multitenant Hosting:
As of September 6, 2017, the following Windows subscriptions include virtualization rights for dedicated as well as multitenant hardware in data centers managed by Authorized QMTH Partners such as TIMEWARP IT CONSULTING GMBH:
Which Office 365 products support SCA?
SCA mode works with Office 365 ProPlus, Project Online Professional, and Visio Pro for Office 365. All Office 365 plans that include Office 365 ProPlus, Project Online Professional, or Visio Pro for Office 365 are able to use SCA.
Michael Pambalk-Rieger
Innovation and CEO
You want advice, but from someone who actually does understand something about the cloud and IT infrastructure?
Our experts will be pleased to advise you!
Rainer Schneemayer
Sales and CEO
That is why we are certified according to
Our Datacenter-Partner are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, Öko-Standard.