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Data security and thus business continuity is an increasingly important topic, but one that is not optimally covered in many companies. This is because the costs of setting up a failover data center are often too high for medium-sized companies.
Unfortunately, however, the probability of power outages and ransomware attacks from the network is increasing. That's why we offer a DSGVO-compliant, affordable and secure backup cloud, which is a good disaster recovery solution especially for SMEs.
Our goal is to provide Disaster Recovery services with a failover Data center at a small Budget.
We provide you with a backup cloud in which the stored data cannot be changed. Thus, this data is safe from attacks.
For backup and restore in case of failure, we provide reserved capacities in our data centers. So that a restore is also possible completely and promptly.
In addition to the hardware resources, we also take care of a fail-safe connection between your office / data center locations and our data center.
We develop the steps to be taken in the event of a failure and the associated responsibilities in consultation with your IT team.
Wir stellen Ihnen eine Backup Cloud zur Verfügung, in der die abgelegten Daten nicht verändert werden können. Somit sind diese Daten vor Angriffen sicher.
Für das Backup und die Wiederherstellung im Fall eines Ausfalls stellen wir reservierte Kapazitäten in unseren Rechenzentren zur Verfügung. Damit ein Restore auch vollständig und zeitnah möglich ist.
Neben den Hardwareressourcen kümmern wir uns auch um eine ausfallsichere Verbindung zwischen Ihren Office-/RZ-Standorten und unserem Rechenzentrum.
Welche Schritte bei einem Ausfall gesetzt werden müssen sowie die dazugehörigen Zuständigkeiten entwickeln wir in Abstimmung mit Ihrem IT-Team.
Our Offer
per month from
*All prices plus VAT. and setup costs
For whom is the Business Continuity Service suitable?
Medium-sized companies
with approx. 300 employees and/or great dependence on IT.
Company with own IT department
Backup available in own infrastructure, but no 2nd location for backup of data.
Companies that want to outsource backup in general
This means that the backup and the 2nd backup of the data are located at 2 different data center locations.
Michael Pambalk-Rieger
Innovation and CEO
You want advice, but from someone who can actually
understand something about cloud and IT infrastructure?
Rainer Schneemayer
Sales and CEO
That is why we are certified according to:
Our data center partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, Eco-Standard.
Therefore we are certified according to:
Our datacenter-partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, Öko-Standard.
*CCF was verified for the period 1.7.22-30.6.23 in accordance with ISO 14064-03:2019 with regard to compliance with the requirements of ISO 14064-01:2019.