Individual Solutions für K8s Cluster, CI/CD and Container Orchestration

Full Redundancy of the IT Systems with minimal Recovery Times

Data Security through Continuous Data Protection Solution

Why Kubernetes as a Service?

Building an on-premise container cluster ties up a lot of time and capital and rarely reaches capacity.

With Kubernetes as a Service, we offer you a managed service with which you can quickly and cost-effectively build a dynamic infrastructure, flexibly absorb peak loads and simplify your IT processes. .

The Advantages of K8s in Detail:

Availability up to 99.99%

24x7 Managed Cloud Services

New containers start automatically in seconds and are integrated into the existing load balancing.

Result: A server failure is compensated almost without interruption.


Additional resources are automatically and dynamically provisioned across cloud boundaries.

Result: High availability and high performance even at peak loads.

Data Security

IT infrastructure in 2 data centers (built according to TIER IV standard), ISO certifications and automatic updates.

Result: Processes are better isolated from the host system, reducing the risk of cyber attacks.


Bewährte Prozesse bei der Umsetzung von Cloud

Fully managed Kubernetes Cluster. Building a flawless CI/CD pipeline.

Result: Better speed and quality of deployment (quality assurance through simpler testing).

Multi Cloud Standard

Hybrid Cloud Lösung

Kubernetes is open source, so you are independent of the cloud in which you develop.

Result: No vendor lock-in and therefore cloud-independent development.

24x7 Managed Services

Managed Services

Updates, monitoring, backup and integration of Git-Lab, secure management of source codes and resource planning.

Result: More time for important tasks.

This is what Timewarps K8s Hosting offers:

Pay-per-use Billing

You only pay for what you actually need.

Dynamic Expansion of the Cluster

You can start up Compute Nodes on an event-driven basis.

Encrypted Data

We encrypt your data and secure it continuously (Continuous Data Protection).

Disaster Recovery

Outsourcing of the entire infrastructure - instead of high investment costs.

No Provider Lock-in

Open source allows you to develop and extend cloud-independent.

A personal contact

Managed service with a contact person that you can reach quickly and easily.

We run Kubernetes Cluster on:

In these Settings:

Stand alone Cluster

In a data center. Extensible with dynamic resources. 

VMware Cluster

This is spread over two data centers (TIER IV standard, located in Vienna).

GPU Support

Particularly high computing power as a service, making it cost-effective and flexible. 

The before/after Comparison

Dynamic Resources

Before: You have limited hardware that would incur step-fixed costs if expanded.

After: Dynamic expansion of resources possible at any time with pay-per-use model.

More Time for important Tasks

Before: Elaborate operation, working time is tied up and missing at an important point.

After: You can outsource tedious operational work on the hardware and take care of your core tasks in the area of applications.

Still unsure how to start?

Michael Pambalk-Rieger

Innovation and CEO


You want advice, but from someone who actually does

understand something about cloud and IT infrastructure?

Rainer Schneemayer

Sales and CEO

Safety is important to us!

Therefore we are certified according to:

Our data center partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, eco standard.