GDPR and GoDB compliant

Compatible with all common e-mail systems

All data are 100% in Austria

Legal regulations oblige companies to archive e-mails with contracts or invoices for years.

With our email archiving cloud service based on MailStore SPE, there is a simple way of archiving emails in an automated, legally compliant and long-term manner.

Your Benefits

Data Security

Datensicherheit in der Cloud

Data is stored centrally in an Austrian data center and cannot be changed or deleted. If necessary, they can be restored very quickly and completely.

Legal Certainty

schnelle Zielerreichung bei der Umsetzung von Cloudprojekten

GDPR and GoBD (principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access) are observed.


Managed Services

The mailboxes can be kept slim and the mail server is not overloaded. Mail box limits are therefore no longer necessary. Full-text indexing enables quick searches for emails and content.



Bis zu 99,999% verfügbar - oder Sie bezahlen im betreffenden Monat nichts.



Unser PoC ist leistungsfähiger als

alle Wettbewerber - oder gratis.


15 Minuten SLA - oder Sie bezahlen für den betreffenden Monat keine Service-Fee.


Ihre Daten bleiben standardmäßig in Österreich. Wir betreiben zwei zertifizierte TIER III+ Rechenzentren in Wien.

Our Offer

Email Archiving for MS Office 365

Email Archiving Service

per month

2,30 €*/User

35 Cent*/GB
Austrian Datacenter
quick search function
Simple Outlook integration

*All prices plus VAT.

Data security while saving Resources

The central e-mail archiving from the cloud stores data for years without change or loss. E-mail archiving as a service supports almost all e-mail systems, archiving and access methods.

Still unsure how to start?

Michael Pambalk-Rieger

Innovation and CEO


You want advice, but from someone who actually does

understand something about cloud and IT infrastructure?

Rainer Schneemayer

Sales and CEO

Safety is important to us!

Therefore we are certified according to:

Our data center partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, eco standard.