Sie sind hier:
With server housing at Interxion Vienna, we offer data centre services at the highest level (TIER III standard) for companies of all sizes. A total of 110 racks operate at Interxion.
You can rent these and run your own servers in them. In addition, we also offer cages that can be locked and managed services so that monitoring, connectivity, etc. can be outsourced.
19 Zoll Frame depth
Max. Weight
Fibers Pre-Wiring
Power Protection
Max. Power per FI/LS
incl. Power
Half Rack
20 HU
75 cm
120 cm
ca. 70 cm
500 kg
as required
2x 16A FI/LS
3 kW per FI/LS
1000 W
Full Rack
42 HU
75 cm
120 cm
ca. 70 cm
1000 kg
as required
2x 16A FI/LS or 2x 32 A
3 kW per FI/LS
or 2x 6kW per FI/LS
2000 W
1000 kg/m2
as required
as required
Michael Pambalk-Rieger
You want advice, but from someone who actually
understands cloud and IT infrastructure?
Our experts will be happy to advise you!
Rainer Schneemayer
That is why we are certified according to:
Our data center partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, eco-standard.