Sie sind hier:
NTT operates data centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Vienna data center is one of the most modern in Austria and therefore very well suited for server housing. It is equipped with the TIER 3+ standard and offers state-of-the-art conference rooms in addition to server housing space. All data center services are highly available, highly secure and scalable. In addition, NTT and Timewarp have all the relevant certifications.
Together with the space at Digital Reality Vienna, Timewarp can offer redundant data center services across two data center locations. Our offer ranges from housing to all hybrid scenarios. Of course, our support team can also take over the full management of your IT systems 24x7 on request.
You can choose between half and full racks or private separate areas (cages).
Fibers Pre-Wiring
Power Protection
Max. Power per FI/LS
incl. Power
Half Rack
22 HU
60 cm
120 cm
ca. 70 cm
500 kg
as required
2x 16A FI/LS
3 kW per FI/LS
1000 W
Full Rack
47 HU
1000 kg
2x 16A FI/LS oder 2x 32 A
3 kW per 16A FI/LS
or 6kW per 32A per FI/LS
2000 W
1000 kg/m2
Michael Pambalk-Rieger
Innovation and CEO
You want advice, but from someone who actually
actually understands cloud and IT infrastructure?
Our experts are happy to help!
Rainer Schneemayer
Sales and CEO
Therefore we are certified upon
Our data center partners are certified according to ISO 22301, 27001, 27018; DIN 50001, DIN E 50600, Eco Standard.