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What are Managed K8s Services Kubernetes is an open source platform that allows you to easily manage, scale and deploy containers. It also allows you to manage containers automatically, including restarting containers. Managed K8s Services means that we provide this platform and the required resources and operate them in a highly available way. Which Advantages […]
Structure of the Kubernetes platform We build the Kubernetes platform on a VMware cluster or on a Hyper-V cluster. The clusters run in one data center or are distributed across two data centers. In principle, there is a VPN connection between the admin client and the master nodes. In front of the worker nodes we […]
With TIMEWARP's Kubernetes aaS offering, you can outsource the operation of the entire platform to us and fully focus on your core competence. We also offer a large portfolio of 24x7 managed services that you can access as needed. Kubernetes aaS enables a low time-to-market and you can roll out quickly and flexibly. It also […]

Further Articles:

What are data center Tiers?
Benefits of vServer-Hosters from Austria
The Advantages of Managed K8s Services

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