FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Data save in a shared cloud (shared VM)?

Basically, we work exclusively with "data at rest" encryption in our shared cloud environment. This means that the data is encrypted on the central storage and therefore there can be no undesired data leakage even if the hard disks are replaced.

In this variant, all authorized users have access to the data, including us as the provider. If you want to exclude this, you also have the option to encrypt the VMs and to generate and manage the keys on a Hardware Security Module (HSM). If you wish, only the customer can have access to the HSM, which means that we as the provider no longer have access to the data.

Further Articles:

What are data center Tiers?

Benefits of vServer-Hosters from Austria

The Advantages of Managed K8s Services

Encrypt Cloud Storage: Tips for more Data Security

S3 Synology: Access and Restore of Backups

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